Find ways to improve safety at the cross near A27 & bus stop

Find ways to improve safety at the cross near A27 & bus stop

Find ways to improve safety at the cross near A27 & bus stop


Unsafe for pedestrians especially children.

This is a dangerous crossing especially with the Burger Bar car park there. The existing crossing gets overgrown with vegetation that restricts the vision of both pedestrians and motor vehicles. A short additional pathway on each side of the road make crossing the road much safer for people on foot - from the Burger Bar car park and directly walking from the village.

It's on the walk from Kingston to the 28/29 bus that is our only frequent service to Brighton or Lewes. Very important for people without a car. The footpath from Kingston joins the road (Ashcombe Hollow) just before it goes under the railway. The road is narrow at this point, and there's a blind corner, and there's no set speed limit. So it's particularly dangerous for pedestrians, and there is no other way for them to get to the bus stop.

It's been the same for years LDC can see all the problems this burger is causing but no action is being taken, roadside sign board out every day, litter, bread trays, staff smoking outside burger bar, cars parked on verge, bus stop, and on the bend all very dangerous for local residents, which is against all the safety policies that Lewes district council says the burger should be, Newmarket Inn can't have a road sign but the burger bar can, work that one out, save money get rid of burger bar

Does this matter? Lewes district council licence the burger bar and in the safety policy it states the burger bar should not cause a nuisance to the public or cause any safety issues,well it does both, complain to LDC and get rid of the blight on the landscape, solves every problem, let everyone in the village what they need to do, job done

Does this matter? Lewes district council licence the burger bar and in the safety policy it states the burger bar should not cause a nuisance to the public or cause any safety issues,well it does both, complain to LDC and get rid of the blight on the landscape, solves every problem, let everyone in the village know what they need to do, job done

The burger bar is the problem, complain to Lewes district council and they can get rid of the problem, no one has ever complained to LDC well that is what they say, complain complain complain, so simple

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