Chairman u Diretturi

Chairman u Diretturi

Li kull chairman, diretturi etc ma jkollohmx aktar minn rwol wiehed meta jigu appuntati. Biex ikunu jistghu jiffukaw fuq ir-responsabiltita li jkunu innataw u jinghata cans lill haddiehor ukool. Mhux kif kien jigri qabel li l-istess persuna tkun chairman ma nafx ta kemm il bord u direttur ukoll. Fil passat bghatejna biha. Grazzzi.


There should be a list of capable people to fill in the posts and they should not be political posts. Chairman and directors of each board, should first and foremost be capable people and chosen by a board set up to make a choice from the list, not by ministers.

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