Your Ideas

Your Ideas

Electronic Democracy is all about Empowerment, about giving you a voice. All citizens can propose their own ideas and open them up for discussion. We want your voice to be heard. This is how we truly make politics by the people and for the people.


Gozo national pool


xoghol ghal ghawdxin go ghawdex

Servizz tal-Pulizija

Ghawdex - Energija Nadifa

Gozo cruise liner terminal/s

Family parks or recreational open spaces in Gozo

gozo link


Finance Industry in Gozo

Lsa's Ghawdxin

Increasing Subsidy for Gozitan Workers working in Malta

University in Gozo

New Fiber Optic Cable for Gozo

Marsalforn breakwater

International scuba diving academy in Gozo

Cheaper Gozo Ferry Fares, especially for cars

Maternity Health in Gozo

Upgrade the Gozo Channel Ticketing

Business incentives for people to work in Gozo

Introduce a 4 th and faster Ferry for the Gozo channel

Preserve Gozo

Cordless phones in Gozo Hospital

gozo college rabat primary

Nincentivaw ic-Centru tar-Rabat Ghawdex

Increasing bed nights in Gozo/ reduce traffic

Make airstrip in Gozo functional

Gozo University Campus

Underground Parking Facility in Victoria, Gozo

cancer care in gozo

Added payment for Gozitan workers working in Malta

Biex aktar Ghawdxin jibqghu jghixu f' Ghawdex

No Malta-Gozo Permanent Link


Presevation of Trees in Gozo

Tabib mill-isptar


Gozo as testing lab for driverless cars

Tax Credit Schemes for new companies in Gozo

Senior citizens

Farmers/Artisan Market in Gozo

Dog Park in Gozo

Increasing Gozo Tourism in the low Season

Esto es una idea de prueba

Public - Private partnership on a Cyber Security Strategy

Votes distribution per village or yown

Introduction of new task forces

Elect MPs on a national level, as MEPs - not by district

Remove Party Representatives from Planning Authority Board

Sustainability Assessment for all Major Projects/Plans

Appointment of a Committee member to oversee contracts

Appointment of Board Members

Set up a Centre for Public Appointments

Freedom of Expression - 4th Estate

Transparency in Tenders & Public Roles


Capacity Building of NGOs and advocacy through EU funding

official emails

New way of doing politics

FIAU reform.

Anti-Bribery Laws

Scrap IIP scheme

Government Contracts

Centralize all government departments in one building

make golden handshakes for govt positions illegal

No More Persons of Trust

Returning corruption funds back to the people

Local Councils Reform

Trasparenza - Publikazzjoni ta kuntratti tal Gvern.

A Golden Opportunity

Efficient courts of law

Digital Parliament

State Funded Political Parties

Parliamentary hearings for government appointees


Reward people who reveal abuse

Political Ethics and Corruption Ministry

Website / App for Whistleblowers



Rev. Dr.

parlament wages

il habs

Appointments on Government Boards & Committees

Public Office Inquisitor & Anti-Corruption Act

Enforcement across the board

Undercover Traffic Policemen

Measures I would like to see (2)

Enact a limit for how long MPs can remain in office

Our Vote, Our Right - Maltese Voters Abroad

A transparent Malta

3rd Party in Parliament

Improving democracy

Guardia Di Finanza/Financial Police

can be more transparent

A Tourism Policy for all - Making Tourism Work for YOU

Mandate term

Kunsill Lokali

An autonomous immovable property valuation authority

Constitutional reform

Total Clean up of Politics

Reform the AG office


Abolish 'Positions of Trust'

Decrease corruption associated to member of parliament

Participating in voting across the borders


Investigate Projects Malta

Government Delegations

good governance

Put police on bicycles

Ministerial Accountability

Kummisarju ghad drittijiet tal-annimali

Chairman u Diretturi

MPs held to highest standards

Industrial Tribunal

Foreign squad to deal with drugs

Separation of Powers (Malta Police Force and State)

tax evasion


Permanent Secretaries

Replicate the digital infrastructure Estonia has

Flexi Hours ghal Haddiema


Planning Authority - Policy

Psychological Assessment for Politicians

Ghajnuna mand l housing ghal persuni b paga baxxa

Term Limits

Esproprjazzjonijiet / Kumpensi

More power to the President of Malta!

L-Iskema ta' Bejgh tac-Cittadinanza

Depoliticise TVM

Implementation of National Debate/Petitions Platform

full disclosure of public contracts


Clean politics

Disband Identity Malta and investigate

Improvements in the Police Corp

Consultation with workers

Rules on public sector use of social media

Overhaul of Malta's Political System

Parlament b'terminu fiss

Overhaul of planning system

Ideas board - like this one

Tax on 2nd time property buyers

Dritt tal-Vot

New ideas on this portal

Community work for the unemployed

Maximum Term for MFSA Chairman

Better Care for our fury family members

Money For Mothers taking care of Child/Children

Discuss top 5 proposals on this portal at regular intervals

Anti-Terrorist Intelligence Agency

Kumitat Permanenti għall-Affarijiet Kostituzzjonali

Parliament Watch

Positions of Trust

A Technocratic Cabinet

Haddiema barranin f'Servizz Publiku jridu jitghalmu l-Malti

2 Houses of Representatives

Amendment of Unconstitutional laws

Senior Management Appointments

Tax on O/T hours

Dikjarazzjoni ta' l-assi b'konsegwenzi reali kontra l-abbuz

Press Secretary within the OPM with daily press conferences

Transparency in public procurement

Open Disclosure of Contracts

il-prosekuzzjoni tal-kazijiet fil-Qorti

Sistema First Past The Post (FPTP) għall-Kunsilli Lokali

guardia di finanza Maltija


Publish Government Signed Contracts Within 3 Months

Honest Governance

Public's taxes for public scrunity

Independent board for top positions

Service Pension

Zero tolerance to corruption


Insurance Cover for Malta Police Members

Centralised Government Customer Care Unit

Teknokratici fil-Ministeri

Kjarifika tad-dritt tal-vot tal-Maltin ta' barra

Civil Service

Less, but better MPs

Explain in simple terms the concepts of money laundering etc

voters living abroad

Local Councils/Regional Councils

Zero Tolerance on Crime & Corruption

Court experts

postijiet requisitioned mil-gvern

Remove the Individual Investor Programme

Sigurta aktar ghalina u ghat tfal taghna

Reform in laws and harsher penalties

More transparent government employment

Creating a safer Malta

Sale of inherited property

State financing of political parties

Taxxa fuq il pensjoni

Single Pensioners minimum amount for tax to be incresed

Ħlas diċenti lill-MINISTRI

Local Councils

Money inherited and held in Banks

Aktar Attenzjoni u support lil Volontiera tad-DPC

Controlli fuq nies barranin f'Malta

centralizazzjoni tal amministrazzjoni tal Gvern

Li l-gvern jippubblika mill-ewwel il-kuntratti kollha

Swifter appeal hearings

Give Ivan Bartolo of 6pm a chance!

Road water harvesting

aktar sigar

reduction of pesticide levels in local produce


Escalators/Conveyors in Valletta

noise pollution

Effective Green Wardens

Village Cores

Phasing out of diesel cars in favour of electric cars

Improvement of environment


Roof run off water

Built Environment: Human Scale

Encourage Local & Ecological Enterprise

Install an electric car charging point on every street

Better use of public gardens/playareas - More parking spaces

play areas

Demolish unused buildings, and convert them into open spaces

Surface Regional Road, and convert it into a green area

Work to eliminate the use of toxic products

Fugitive Dust Control Law at Quarries

Pet Cemetery

Alternative energy

Review of High-Rise Buildings Policy

Replenishing our water table

National plan for regeneration of non-UCA villages/towns

Re- introduce glass soft-drink bottles

minimising construction dust.

Ban single-use plastics

New Flats and Parking

Support poeple who feed strays

Renovation/Alterations/Repurposing of Existing Buildings

Reducing light pollution

housing estates


Garbage bags should not be dumped on the street

incentive for use of public transport

Give a 5% Tax Rebate on Sales or Services outside the EU

Adequate and efficient camping sites in Malta

rubble wall ( sejjiegh ) rebuilding and maintanance

Tax owners of abandoned / empty property.


Animal Welfare

More Urban Landscaping

Dog Park in every Locality



Stop car polution

Extend GHRC to coordinate the development of other key areas

Greener Malta.

Electric Cars

Zero Tax on Electric Cars

More camping sites

Shared solar panels for those with limited space

Demolition ALL illegal boat houses

Ban Hunting

Assistance to remove unused TV aerials from rooftops

Wied Blandun development

Garbage Collection

Power-wash places that are frequented by people


Help for NGOs and Animal Sanctuaries

Relocation of Fishfarms

Rehabilitate sandy/pebbly beaches that were eroded.

Domestic Waste collection

National Maintanance Agency

Animal Rights



Promoting Recycling of Plastic in Gyms

Enforce the law for animal abuse.

excessive food not sold

propjeta dekontrollata

Cemetery & Cremation of animals

Making the mist of Malta's encironment


Animal Rights

More enforcement for traffic congested areas

Reduce food wastage

Innovative Ideas for Waste Collection

Allowing pets in restautants and public places

Cnus antiki

Make Wied Ghomor a National Park

More Investment in Renewable Energy Sources

Bini u restawr ta' Hitan tas-Sejjieh

Environment sustainability

Overhaul of Bugibba/Qawra area (1)

Green wardens on beaches and harsher littering fines

Animal Abuse

Ban horse-drawn carriages

Safeguarding the public spaces in Cottonera

Chadwick Lakes

control and reduce building construction ,

General Ideas & Planning

BANKINI sempliċi

Sound proof New Apartment Walls

reduce pollution by reducing traffic

Reducing fear of crime through CPTED

Reduce Light Pollution

Car Scrapage Scheme

Revision of Parking Provision loophole in MEPA's DC Policy

Subsidy for GREEN roofs

Parking Areas in Qormi St.George

Go Plastic Free

Better waste management


Storey Limit on High Risers


Control MEPA

Road infrastructure

Infurzar aktar horox ma min johrog l-kelb ihammeg

Solar Rights

Cash for Trash

Land Reclemation

Solar Panels in the Shade

protection of our enviroment and heritage

Manure catcher

Allocation of government owned land to citizens

Muzzles for large dogs

Green IT tax incentives

renewable energy

Ban hunting totally and make it a criminal offence.

white taxis service improved people will use them daily

Tourism - more old chapels, coastal forts open for viewing

Tourism and Environment

Transform village core (pjazza) in pedestrian areas

Repurposing Abandoned Buildings

Financial assistance to dwellings in village core

Greening our Local Councils

Chadwick Lakes

Less pestsides


Holisitc Domestic Rubbish Policy

Back to Basics

Land Reclamation

Setting up a Sustainable Authority

Animal Law Enforcement

Remove illegal so called 'boat houses'

animal welfare

Nature Preservation

Removing all taxes on electric cars

Overhaul of Bugibba/Qawra area (2)

Relocation of St Antnin Waste Recycling Plant

Designation of areas in Malta & Gozo as Dark-Sky Preserves

Sustainable & quintessential construction

Conserve the environment:Science expedition to policy makers

Colour given to facades should be monitored by MEPA

Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter and Farming

Dog Park

Projbizzjoni ghal min izomm il klieb ghassa fuq bjut etc..

Fish Farms

Banning the sale of water via bowser

Playgrounds in Malta

Investing in animal sancturies.

Return public spaces to the public

Animal Sanctuaries

Re developing Paceville

Il-Gvern jixtri l-artijiet li waqaw taht 'Rationalisation'

No cars in town centres

Regenerazzjoni tal-bliet u rhula

Addressing over-development in our traditional villages

enhancing the environment we live in

Harsher penalties on animal cruelty.

Community Workshops

Sliema's filth and noise

Proġett Pilota fil-Floriana - nikkonvertu l-bini abbandunat

Dilapidated Buildings

Regenerate Abandoned Areas into Public Parks & Open Spaces

Impose penalties on large food chains which don't recycle

BBQ's by the sea

Water Wells in all dwellings

To avoid traffic, we can arrange alternative routes

Incentives for the opening of bulk food stores

Happy Paws Clinic

Biedja - Ilma għat tisqija

Zonqor Point

Il-fliexken tal-PLASTIK u tal-ĦĠIEĠ

Junk mail

Animal testing

Private Diesel Cars

Ħitan tas-sejjieħ

Parking issues

Sussidju fuq l kera tal- meter tal- ilma ghal min ghandu bir

Qawra Family Park

All Street Illumination Should be LED


Encourage more wells

Flats and garbage bags

Harsher penalties for animal cruelty

Time toInvest in a project instead of the Mizbla in Maghtab

protection of old properties

To improve the built environment - Creativity and Colour.

Clamp down on garbage truck/bowser emissions

Park and ride a bike

Indigenous Vegetation

Green areas the promise Joseph Muscat forgot to deliver....

Malta's Catastrophic Urban And Rural Construction Nightmare

Dog Parks and doggie bins

Stop Construction of Apartments in Village Cores

The built environment - A local say

Restawr ta' Fort Rikasoli, Delimara u ohrajn

High Rise Moratorium


Animal Welfare

Rubbish collection

Solar Desalination

Environment: Improving air quality by lowering PM

incentive schemes for Organic Farming

Ta Qali Park

Standards should be set for architectural designs

Abolish diesel cars & increase incentives for hybrid cars

Naghtu djar vojta ( abbandunati jew mitluqin) lil housing

Cleaning Malta - manpower

Abandoned quarry reservoirs systems

Il-lokalita' ta' Santa Venera fl-ewwel distrett u l-ħsara

Caw caw ghal 40%+ propjeta vojta

Taller but Fewer Buildings - More Open Spaces

Cleaner environment with more garbage bins and collections

Small open (green) gardens in town centres

Keep Malta Tidy

Solar Panel Installation or Maintenance Service Voucher

Exhaust Emissions

Glass road sound barriers

Create a mobile app to report incidents/improvements

Animal Welfare

More attn toward the welfare of stray and abandoned animals


To Add to Animal Welfare List of promises

Embellishment of Road Fields' Wooden Gates and Rubble Walls.

Incentives for Co's who plan the CSR toward the environment

importanza lill-AGRITURIŻMU

Government pledge for MORE ODZ in its first 5 years

Construction in Phases

Solar Panel Farm in IKlin

Public design competitions

The policy of having a well should be enforced

Organise nation-wide clean-ups at least twice a year.

Environment: Reducing Plastic Waste

Ban All Plastic Bags

Restawr ta' Bini Diżabitat fil-Floriana

Ecology center in Dwejra

Rehabilitate all quarries and rubbish dumps


Vertical Gardens

Reunification of the Planning and Environment Authority


Green Industry

More family parks

National Plan for Access to Countryside

Biedja - Mili ta' formoli għal fondi ewropej

Boosting Innovative Local Farming and Agriculture

Improvement in Locality waste managment

Cleaner streets - less dust

Allotments for agricultural use


Tree 4 Life



Holistic Masterplanning for Coastal Urban Areas



Żvilupp ta' App: Art Pubblika jew Privata?

Mr Balzia

Central strips

development in ODZ

Fond Ghadir Beach - Sliema

WasteServ: Civic Amenity Sites

Bollards for Garage owners

Trees, Trees and more Trees

Promote Organic Farming

Il-widien tagħna bħala parks naturali

Pedestrian only Cities such as Mdina and Valletta

Carfree City

Assistance to Farmers

Solar Farming

2nd class water

Biodiversity management, education and protection

Green Roofs

Parks ghall-familji filwaqt li niehdu hsieb dawk ezistenti

Water management

Mediterranean beauty...

Scientific Research

Create a sustainable 'l ghelieqi taghna' scheme

faccati ta djar mahmugin

Monitor fireworks air and noise pollution

water conservation

Replicas of destroyed historical buildings


Safeguarding Wied Ghomor

Nirrinġeneraw u nużaw il-bini abbandunat

conservation of water

abandoned houses

Saqaf fuq il-Park & Ride bil-pannelli fotovoltajċi

Balconies & Front Gardens

More trees in urban areas

Substituting old quarries with artificial lakes

Financial Support for Farms to provide more Organic Food

Prezz fiss ta metru kwadru ghal propjeta

Dogs should be allowed in public gardens

Electronic Bollards In Valletta . (Terrorism).


From diesel to hybrid or electric cars

our home

re noise pollution

Incentive on Electric cars


Victor Fenech

National hydrant network

Paper Waste

enforcement of law regulating constructions



Speedboat refuse collectors around the coast

Animal welfare

Planning for the Maltese islands

Restoration of Fort Campbell


Eradication of Asbestos products in Malta

Link between Malta, Gozo and Comino

More bins in Sliema

Sustainable development of homes

More recycling bins around campus.


Fix haphazard development in Sliema, Paceville, Bugibba

Promote yet still preserve Comino

Mr Silvio Scicluna

Rights for Owners of Solar Panel

Farming & Pesticides

Waqfu l-Murtali fil-Wied tal-Hniena

Electric Cars

Local gathering similar to town hall meetings in the US

Better waste system

Increase in Afforestation

Green Lung in Every Locality

Trees for Streets

Don't Accept any ODZ applications

Il-bini fi triq ghandu jkun kollu fuq l-istess livell

Manoel Island - National Park

no race track at ta qali

Banning of Plastic Bags

Harsher Penalties for Animal Abuse

Mandatory tree-planting initiative

green Malta

Incentives to Regenerate Abandoned Buildings

Report problems in your locality through a mobile app

Infurzar Serju f'Siti tal-Kostruzzjoni

Green rooftops

MANOEL ISLAND lura għand il-Maltin



24/7 Pharmacies

No more begging for Cancer treatment

A new centre specialized in palliative care.

Gzira Health Centre


Opportunities for Health Graduates

Remove 'Tampon Tax'!

Free IVF Treatment and help with Adoption Process

Regularise surrogacy , egg/sperm donation



POYC for elderly and sick people

Health: Tackling Obesity


San Vincenz De Paul

State aided full-time carers for the disabled.



Electronic/Online Patient Profiles

Add a Health Group

Pazjenti ghal kura barra minn Malta

Rebates / tax credits (health insurance)


Residence for people with severe mental disability.

safe disposal of syringes by drug users

pressure relief equipment

specialist visits in homes for the elderly

Zvilupp fis-Sahha Mentali

Spectacles/Contact Lenses Subsidy Scheme / eye check

Subsidise more vaccines given to children privately.

Overhaul of Schedule V for free medicines

Local Testing of Pesticides in Produce

Make Health Insurance obligatory

health/ social services / education - ME/CFS Sufferers

Years of service for the nursing community

Awareness on mental health problems.

part time added to monthly pay.

Occupational health & Safety on construction sites

Psychiatric assistance

Support For Fibromyalgia

Cancer Patient

Restoration Of Mount Carmel Hospital

All citizens are organ donors unless they opt out

Long term Cancer Plan

Health care planning

Project Eradicate Type 2 Diabetes.

Provide every child with a nutritious school lunch

Subsidise Gyms

paperless poyc prescriptions

Financial Aid on Low Emission Vehicles

Treating the high rates of obesity

Start a cancer revolution

Treat Drug Use as a Public Health Issue

revise invalidity pension

kura primarja u cimiterji

sick leave bank

Build a national crematorium

Disability Allowance for All

For persons with special needs

Nies li jbatu bil-kundizzjoni tal-Fibromyalgia

Family friendly measures for Elderly Care

unused recreational areas near schools

Cancer Patients

Adequate environment for expecting women and mothers atwork

Fibromyalgia benefits



Lower prices on allergy-specific food items

Fibromyalgia Benefits continued

Increase in the amount of vouchers given to those Coeliac


Increase Distracted Driving fine to €1000

Introduction of a Sexual Health Clinic

Mater dei

carrer for older people


Dementia Cases.


Ċentru tas-saħħa

free DENTAL CARE for kids

Tackle the Plague of Drug Abuse

Allergies Vouchers

Ambulance Service


Childhood Inoculations



Diabetes and other medicines for pensioners

Work Exercise Hours

Budget recipes

2nd house for dosabled

Child care centre at St. Vincent de Paul

Benefits and Subsidies

Reduced hours for pregnant women

Fibromyalgia should be recognised as an actual condition.


Healthier Screening with Incentive

Physical Sports

Analyising Agriculturaly crops

Coeliac Disease

Therapy Pool

Public Convenience

Government subsidizing stem cells of new borns

care system and social workers


Cremation in malta

Parkegg gdid fl-isptar Mater Dei

breastfeeding clinic in the community

Human cremation

invalidity benefit

Community Clinics

Tnehija ta burokrazija zejda mill MDH pharmacy

domiciliary blood tests

Let's be one of the first in the world to CHANGE

Fibromyalgia patients.

Harness the economic potential of pensioners

HEALTH: Improved emergency for infants at Mater Dei

celiac scheme vouchers



Progett Liberta Progett Bankini

The Improvement of Chronic Pain Management

Introduction of IT based systems


Organic Vegetables and Fruit


Cancer Patient

nurses in schools

paid family carers for elderly


work time directive

L-infermiera u hamsa u ghoxrin sena servizz

impose lower prices on healthy food

Ghajnuna lil Persuni b'mard kroniku

Tax Exemption for medical treatment

Medicina b xejn ghall Familji bi dhul ta anqas min €12,000

elderly day centres

Daily Physical Education Lessons in Schools

Pharmacy at night

National Screening Program for Obesity

Psychological support for Patient's Relatives at Mater Dei

Chronic Illness Files

Hospital Parking Space

Organ Donation

Healthy Lifestyle


Meningitis & chicken pox (varicella) vaccine

Breast milk bank for premature babies in hospital

Digitalisation of Schedule V system

Helping Cancer Patients

Holistic approach


Basic First Aid compulsory in schools

Free 3 month GYM subscription to employees with Public Secto

better care for persons with learning difficulties

restructuring of national mental health services

Health care

haddiema fil-gebel, barriera, etc.

Amendment in law for civil damages including chronic pain

special needs kids

psychological help for parents of children w disabilities

Disability Pension - Fibromyalgia

Health Centers/Appointments

subsidy for therapy for disabilities

Emergency Unit @ Oncology

Free Inoculations for children under 1 year

Healthier lifestyle - subsidising healthy food

legalisation of Marijuana for medicinal purposes ONLY

Use of Sick Leave

To consider persons with fibromialga.

Prevention of Noise & Dust During Construction

Il-Haddiema fis-settur tas-sahha

Health Hazards

Get Doctors & Professionals back to Malta

National Emergency Ambulance Service

Dignity for Mental Health Patients

puttinu cares

New Mental Health Hospital & Awareness Campaign

Compensation for moral damages

Adequate CDAU centre with proper parking

Children under the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

sickleave when elderly parent is sick

Autism support

Work on Contract

Insulin Pumps for Type 1 Diabetics

Autism awareness

To help to decrease obesity and increase health!

Fighting Local Childhood Obesity

Is-Sahha Mentali

Kartuna Safra (Schedule V) Medicini B'Xjen

New Dermatology Department at MDH


Mr Mario Borg

Putting Mental health as a priority

Reform and overhaul mental health care in Malta

Tackling Obesity and Lack of Exercise

Children's Immunisation

Gender Services

Heath and Safety Authority: more funds, stricter inspections

Free chicken pox vaccine for all!

Sex Education in ALL schools.

cancer research institute

Health - Dialysis patients

Tax rebate for health

cancer chemotherapy

Sports for Health Promotion

CDAU and Mater Dei appointments

Controlling the use of toxic pesticides

Free treatment to rare illnesses.


Insulin Pumps for Type 1 Diabetes Patients

Dog Park Near Siggiewi

More education on mental and physical health

establishing a crematorium

health benefits for those with intolerances/allergies


New Cleaning & Hygiene Standards in our Child Cares

Training Abroad for doctors

Taxxa fuq Fast Foods

Expenditure control in Health – Faster, better, cheaper?

sevizz ta dental ghal pensjonanti

Private health care and gym memberships

Social welfare gust u trasparenti

blocking of pornographic material

Reduced Working Hours for Workers over 56 years of age

Delivery of Nappies for disabled/elderly persons

Elderly staying at home

Employment of a carer

Palliative Care, Oncology

Sir Anthony Mamo oncology centre

The rehabilitation hospital Karin Grech returned to public

0% Tax on Fruit, Vegetables & Water

Mater Dei: A €2 fee for anyone to go the mater dei emergency


Free Gym Membership and Nutritionist for Obese individuals


Subsidies Healthy Life Styles

Creating Photovoltaics Fields

Fuel prices

Gas cylinder distribution

Solar panels


100% Renewable Target 2022

Rohs fil - kontijiet tad- dawl

solar panels and windfarms

Convert Maghtab into a renewable Energy facility

Underwater ocean turbines

Water & Electricity Tariff for Summer Residences

Photovoltaic Schemes

Solar panels on government office roofs

Il-liberalizzazzjoni tas-suq tal-fjuwils

Electricity Poles and wires to be removed from streets

PV Panel Farm

To redistribute the demand for electricity consumption.

Wind turbines - Wind is a source of clean energy.

2nd Residence purchase/Solar Panels

Subsidy or rebate on utilities for single persons


Save electricity, Save Money, Protect the environment

Reduce Electricity Rates

Energy Strategy 2050

Removal of Gas tanker

Changing to type F adapter

Free photovoltaic panels

Sport tourism

Toroq jaħdmu bl-enerġija tax-xemx

Enerġija nadifa u sostenibbli

Renewable Energy Industrial Estates

Low-energy sustainable buildings

Solar Panels Agreements with Gov.

Harnessing Hydropower From Urban Water & Reservoir Pipes

Solar Rights

Solar PhotoVoltaic right and protection

Obtaining more energy from the sun


Renewable Energy vs current Powerstations

Night tariffs for electricty

Solar panel street lamps

Installation of Photovoltaic panels on private roofs

Solar Farm

Bring Tesla to Malta

Malta to Keep Using Gas for the generation of Electricity

Solar Roadways

A strategy to increase Malta's renewable energy output

Energy saving

Photovoltaic panels over Park and Ride facilities

Solar Power Station

Solar Energy in Parking Areas & Factories

Clean Energy

The price of fuel should reflect current international price


Overhaul the public transport system

Expand the Scooter introduction


Pay people who commute by bicycle

Cycle Smart 2 Work


Give an Incentive to government employees to use transport

Make dash cams obbligatory

Open "Bacir Numru 7" for cyclists and pedestrians

Under-road parking: faster moving traffic + safe cycling

Berthing in Marinas

Reducing Traffic

Closure of main roads during village feasts

Traffic Management

Tax Bigger Longer Cars and Subsidise Urban hatchbacks

parking at uom and mater dei

Link to Gozo

Two Wheels Benefit

Better transport infrastructure

Easing traffic congestion - build more car parks

Reduce car annual circulation tax

Reduce tax on new cleaner cars

VRT aktar rigoruz

Parking for Disabled Holding a Blue Sticker

Remove Vehicle Registration Tax

Encourage Active Transport. 15% cycling modal share by 2020

Bicycle (and motorcycle) parking

Massive tax discounts when giving up driving license

Bicycle lanes in infrastructure

How to incentivate people to use alternative transport

White Taxi Meters & Uber

Bicycle Contraflows

Developing a Bus Rapid Transit system


tram system transport

DOUBLE DECKERS ghar-rotot il-kbar


ferry service

Free public transport for all public service employees

Making Malta's Roads More Pedestrian Friendly

Better & more effective traffic law enforcement

Traffic Lights - Zebra Crossings

night transport

Re-construct Balzan Valley

to releive traffic at peak times

Sea links as our version of the 'underground'

Light Rail Public Transport

Better connectivity: transport & internet

Underground - Walking | Cycling

Bridge between Sliema and Valletta

student transport

Raising Children's Concession on Public Transport etc

Promoting pedestrian priority and public transport

Bus transport

tal linja

Permanent & Dedicated bike/moped routes

Limit Importation of Cars

Pavements wide enough

Long-term project to remove 3/4 of roundabouts

Scooters for 16 year olds

More Pedestrian bridges and not Zebra crossings

Road closure during school hours

Transport - car sharing, or HOV 3, or introduce slug-lines

Free Vehicle Recovery on main arterial roads

Parking spaces godda fil qalba ta' kull rahal u belt.

Scrappage Scheme

Car Sharing

Tax Rebate

Private Public Parkings Schemes

Public transport-daily/weekly tickets

Introduce trained and well-equipped Road Traffic Officers

traffic control

Quad bike rates on Gozo Channel/Priority lane/License

Transport ghal Anzjani

Reducing Traffic

Triq il-fortizza tal-mosta & Triq id-difiza civili

Public Transport - Sea Ferries (ecological)

Valletta terminus

Imported Vehicles Road Tax - Discrimination

Improve driver education with respect to bicycle users

Car Pooling Enforcement!

Shower facilities at work

transport publicu

Planning Permits

To ease transport conjestion

Reduce the Car Registration Tax

More Parking spaces at the university of Malta

Car Registration Scheme

Introduction of a Park and Ride System for UoM


Priority Vehicle Lane Cameras

Add Parking Spaces For University Students

Free public transport for people who earn minimum wage

Reducing traffic

Road markings

Mater Dei Parking


car park

sea transport across harbour

Free Public Transport

Obligatory dash cams

Car licences

Driving in Malta

Reducing traffic

More competition on Malta-Sicily sea route

Different prices for public transport at different times

Residential parking for sliema


Underground Car Parks

A more cost effective link to mainland Europe for commerce

Incentivising the use of Bicycles to reduce the traffic prob

Efficent public transport

Electric Cars

Free Wi-Fi on Public Transport

Integrated transport system

Incentive for business to introduce option to work from home

Reducing traffic: different proposals

"Smart" traffic lights on problematic junctions

Make cycling a priority

sliema creek

Make our roads safe.


problema tat-traffiku

Transport of Employees

Reduced Parking Tariffs at Hospital

Boat enthusiasts

Incentives for companies providing transport

Priority Boarding

Arena tal-Furjana, Underground Car park, tunnel to Valletta

Backseat passengers not wearing seatbelt make deadly mistake


Refund tal- vat tal- vetturi registrati qabel 2008

Move bumper to bumper cars immediately. Use a camera

Vehicle Road Licence


Bicycle bridges and overpasses

NIGHT TIME is for SILENT road construction

Trasport Pubbliku aktar Efficjenti

Progett ghar-roundabout ta' Hal Qormi (Tal-Imghallaq)

reduce morning transport

free transport for students doing matsec exams

Annual vehicle circulation tax for Sundays & Public Holidays

Sector Geographical Clusters

Tal-Linja Card

EU nationals to be able to ride 125cc motorcycles


Minimizing Traffic

Better driving etiquette and better roads

Make the University the first bipedopolis

Parking Special Designated Zones


To resolve traffic issue emulate London's Taxi system

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